Waves Without Sounds

When things come crashing on the shores of the mind.

Tag: memories

The Spark of an Old Flame


Hello there, angel, for whom my heart beat before.
I long assumed my love for you has been lost,
But look what Fate had in store!

Your heartwarming smile, your brilliant mind and soft heart,
Draw me in, enchant and bewitch me anew–
Your flame is bound to restart!

Looking inward, however, I do now find
That my heart you cannot invade as before,
Nor can you stay in my mind.

This rediscovery of you is nothing more
Than a pleasant surprise of reminiscence,
Sweet muse that you were before.

And so, sweetest angel and my muse of years past,
To you I bid a fond adieu as I bask
In the true love I amassed.

Treasuring First Love


Basking in the reminiscence of the heyday of our love.
I do not ever want to forget you though we have grown apart.
By loving you, I have set the cornerstone of my rebirth–
Of the metamorphosis into who I really am– and for that, I owe you.

I owe you the moon, the stars, and the blazing sun;
I owe you the earth, the sea, the wind, and every breath I take.
For leading me out of my cocoon and into the realization of my being,
I owe you the universe.

Thank you for being the key into unlocking my very heart and soul.
Thank you for proving that love can be as true as you and me;
And also for proving that love can just fade and drift away
Like ours did.

Though the flame you lit has now died out, the embers remain
Glowing faintly, smoking feebly in the cavern of my heart.
Long years passed, yet nothing can wash away your traces.
Hence I will keep what you have left as treasures and trophies.

From the first conquest of a heart; from the first exploration of love;
Like securing a photograph of the first flash of color
In my once monochromatic existence,
I shall treasure all I have left of you, my first and truest love.

The Scent of Lilies

The Scent of Lilies

This soul is old and weary, but in its brief infancy,
It once had recognized a home in a land far away.
Up above the mountains high and further beyond the sea,
This young soul once passed a man in one distant springtime’s day.

This man carried with him a glow as bright as summer’s sun.
He walked with grace that every pace was like a traipsing faun’s.
Upon seeing this soul, he smiled, and this soul came undone,
And that young soul then knew it has become that fair man’s own.

This soul then followed that fair man to meadows just as fair.
Together then, they frolicked through, picking pretty flowers;
Roses, lilies and irises– there’s nothing they did spare.
Hand-in-hand they roamed the land for many happy hours.

As beyond the western hills the sun began to lower,
The man had turned to the young soul and said, “the day is done.”
As he said thus, he handed the soul a pristine flower,
And he told the soul to remember him though he has gone.

But the soul said, it will forget him when the flower wilts.
Instead it asked him for a heart if the man’s power wills.
“Allow me to carry the scent of lilies in my heart,
“And it shall be my memory of you while we’re apart.”

The man then smiled and he replied, “I do not have such powers.
“But there will come a time when you would find your own body.
“Until you do so, I will then hold on to these flowers,
“Hoping whenever you see lilies, you’ll remember me.”

On that same day, they had parted never again to see
Of one another anymore after that springtime’s day.
Though now I have that once young soul, I’m still hoping to be
Back where beautiful lilies grow in that land far away.

For in this weary soul, the scent of lilies linger still,
I still remember irises and the fair spring day’s sun.
And whenever I do, I know that long years never kill
The memories and the love this soul has of that fair man.

The First Shooting Star

The First Shooting Star

That night I sat surrounded by flowers
And friends both dear and old
Atop the roof over my home.
Our heads were almost in the clouds
As the evening’s mist began to gather
Around us who sat together.

We talked of city lights and silly frights
And memories that need recalling
As we make yet new ones.
And as I gazed at the starry sky,
I saw a flash of light
Slash its way across
The black night sky above.

If I have before seen a shooting star,
Then I forgot it the moment I saw
This one with my dearest friends.
Because to me that was the first
Time I saw a shooting star
And make a wish upon it–
To never let sever the bonds
With the ones I saw the shooting star with.